Westbrook, Texas is located in Mitchell County.
During Mitchell County's 2016 Presidential Election 81.1% voted Republican, 16.1% voted Democrat, and 2.8% voted for other candidates.
During the 2018 Republican Party Primary, voters had the opportunity to vote on proposition #7. This proposition gave voters the chance to voice their opinion if they were "In Favor" or "Against" this following statement: " I believe abortion should be abolished in Texas." In Mitchell County, out of 872 votes, 659 voted in favor of the idea of abolishing abortion in the state of Texas and 213 voted against the idea abolishing abortion in the state of Texas.
The population of Westbrook is 312.
On November 18th, 2019 the City Council of Westbrook voted on the Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance. The vote was unanimous. In taking this action the City of Westbrook became the seventh city to outlaw abortion in the nation.
In the News
The Colorado City Record - November 21st, 2019
Westbrook Becomes Sanctuary for the Unborn
By Summer Thompson
The Texan - November 22nd, 2019
‘Sanctuary City for the Unborn’ Ordinance Passes in West Texas Town
By Daniel Friend
LifeNews - November 22nd, 2019
Texas Town Becomes 7th to Declare Itself a “Sanctuary for the Unborn” and Ban Abortions
By Micaiah Bilger
CRIT-LARGE - November 22nd, 2019
Westbrook: Sanctuary for the Unborn
By Lauren Moses
The New American - November 25th, 2019
Texas Town Becomes Seventh to Declare Itself a Sanctuary City for the Unborn
By Raven Clabough
Live Action - December 3rd, 2019
By Laura Nicole
Life Site News - December 5th, 2019
Texas Town Passes Ordinance Allowing Relatives of Aborted Children to Sue Abortionist
By Laura Nicole
The Dallas Observer - December 27th, 2019
At the End of A Tumultuous Year, What’s Next For Texans’ Reproductive Rights?
By Stephen Young
WORLD Magazine - January 2nd, 2020 (Issue Date - January 18th, 2020)
Abominable Enterprise: A Year In Abortion Battles
By Leah Hickman
About the Ordinance
The Westbrook Ordinance
First Pitch
November 14th, 2019
Second Pitch / Vote
November 18th, 2019
Result: Ordinance Passes, 3-0
Result of Vote
Surgical and Medical abortions are outlawed in Westbrook, Texas.
“It against God’s Law to kill any innocent human, including the unborn. They are created in His image and for His purpose and have the right to life. The world corrupts and destroys all that it can and believers must stand up and fight against it.” - Georgeann W.
“It against God’s Law to kill any innocent human, including the unborn. They are created in His image and for His purpose and have the right to life. The world corrupts and destroys all that it can and believers must stand up and fight against it.” - Tom W.
“Life starts at conception. Everyone should have the right to live a full life free of the threat of harm or death, up until their natural death.” - Lisa C.
Sid Miller - Texas Agriculture Commissioner
Facebook Status - November 22nd, 2019
"The town of Westbrook in West Texas voted unanimously on the pro-life ordinance, banning abortions and abortion facilities in their city and declaring it to be a place where unborn babies are protected and valued. Thank you Westbrook for standing tall in the fight to protect the sanctity of human life."
Link Shared:
Texas Town Becomes 7th to Declare Itself a “Sanctuary for the Unborn” and Ban Abortions
From: LifeNews
Mike Lang - Texas State Representative for House District 60
Facebook Status - November 26th
“It’s a problem. It’s a growing epidemic. It’s something that we think is not just going to stop in East Texas. We expect it to move to other parts of the state,” said Drucilla Tigner, a political strategist for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Texas.
And now it has! Thank you City of Westbrook for becoming the first West Texas town to pass this important ordinance supporting Life. I encourage all of the cities in HD60 to do the same and am happy to help in anyway I can. #ProLife"
Link Shared:
‘Sanctuary City for the Unborn’ Ordinance Passes in West Texas Town
From: The Texan
A Special Message from LTC Allen West Concerning Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn
October 31st, 2019