In June of 2019, Waskom, Texas made a bold move to outlaw abortion in their city, becoming the first Sanctuary City For the Unborn by ordinance in America.
Since we spearheaded the initiative in Waskom many other cities have reached out to us wanting to follow in the footsteps of Waskom by outlawing abortion in their own city and declare themselves a Sanctuary City for the Unborn.
Will your city be next?
When seeking to outlaw abortion in your city many factors have to be taken into consideration. Are there currently any abortion clinics in your city? Are there any doctors that perform abortions in your city? To what extent are abortion services already happening in your city? Are the leaders in your city for or against abortion services being offered in your city?
These questions, among others, are just a few of the many questions that we like to work through with each city which is considering outlawing abortion.
The answers to these questions make a difference concerning the ordinance that is recommended for your city. So far we have seen cities in multiple states pass ordinances which outlaw abortion within their city limits, but not every ordinance which has been passed is exactly the same.
The ordinance which worked for other cities may not be the best ordinance for your city. This is why it is crucial that an ordinance is tailored to specifically fit your city.
But let us not get too far ahead of ourselves. Having the right ordinance for your city is only part of the process. There must be strong support from those in the community who live within the city limits.
There is also a need to connect with your mayor, city council members, city manager, and the city attorney - but all this should, ideally, come after and not before a strong network of community support is established.
You could have the perfect ordinance for your city, but if you do not have the votes on your city council then the ordinance has no chance of being adopted.
Some of you who are reading this are ready for your city to outlaw abortion RIGHT NOW. We want you to know that we are totally with you! We do want to remind you, however, that outlawing abortion in your city is a process. That process is one that needs to be done right to the best of our ability.
With that being said, we would love to come alongside you and help your city like we helped Waskom, Texas (and many others) and work to see outlaw abortion within your city limits!
Now that we have given an overview of the process let's talk about what you can do to help get this process moving in your city.
Step # 1 - Sign the Online Petition
Earlier we mentioned that there must be strong support from those who live within the jurisdiction of your city or county.
The tool that we have to help us know how many people want to see abortion outlawed in each individual city and county is our online petition.
Step # 2 - Share the Online Petition
The second way you can help is by sharing the online petition. As we said before, there MUST be strong support from those in the community who live within the city limits. When you share the online petition you help us get more signatures not just where you live, but in the cities around you as well.
If you are looking for a Sample Text to share on Facebook, feel free to copy and paste the example in the next block. All you need to do is (1) copy the text, (2) paste it into your Facebook Status bar, (3) insert your city's name, (4) and hit send!
Sample Status for Facebook
Over 70 cities and counties throughout the United States have passed ordinances seeking to do their part to keep abortion out of their communities. If you would like to see __________ (city or county name) pass an ordinance doing their part to keep abortion out of their community, be sure to sign the online petition at: www.sanctuarycitiesfortheunborn.com/online-petition
#therighttolife #thefightforlife #fromconceptiontillnaturaldeath #unbornlivesmatter #loveoneanother #sanctuarycitiesfortheunborn
Step # 3 - Pray For Your City
Outlawing abortion in your city takes time. Once a strong network of community support is established there will be a need to connect with your mayor, city council, city manager, and communicate with the city attorney.
Be praying for each of these people who play a part in the leadership of your city.
As online petition signatures come in we will be reaching out and working with the community to organize Interest Meetings and do our part to help you see your city pass an enforceable ordinance.
More Ways You Can Help:
Share Good Articles
Sharing articles on Facebook, and with interested friends and family members, is a great way you can help spread the message about the effort taking part in your community.
How To Contact Us
For more information feel free to reach out to us by phone, e-mail, or through our page on Facebook.
Mark Lee Dickson
Founder, Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn
Phone: 806-598-1919
E-Mail: markleedickson@gmail.com
Website: www.markleedickson.com
Facebook: Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn
Currently a total of five cities and two counties have passed “sanctuary cities for the unborn” ordinances which do not explicitly outlaw abortion, but are considered de-facto abortion bans since the ordinances result in the same effect. The ordinances arrive at this same effect by requiring compliance with federal laws on abortion, specifically 18 U.S.C. § 1461 and 18 U.S.C. § 1462. The enforcement date for all of the “de facto abortion ban” ordinances were immediate except for Danville, Illinois which contains a delayed enforcement date.