Mount Enterprise, Texas is located in Rusk County.
During Rusk County's 2016 Presidential Election 76.7% voted Republican, 20.6% voted Democrat, and 2.7% voted for other candidates.
During the 2018 Republican Party Primary, voters had the opportunity to vote on proposition #7. This proposition gave voters the chance to voice their opinion if they were "In Favor" or "Against" this following statement: " I believe abortion should be abolished in Texas." In Rusk County, out of 5,595 votes, 4,358 voted in favor of the idea of abolishing abortion in the state of Texas and 1,237 voted against the idea abolishing abortion in the state of Texas.
The population of the city of Mount Enterprise, Texas is 447.
In the News
CRIT-LARGE - September 22nd, 2019
Making Texas a Sanctuary for the Unborn
By Preston Kelly
The Daily Signal - October 23rd, 2019
Why These 6 Towns Became ‘Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn’
By Jackson Elliott
Buffalo Gap Round Up News - November 2019
From Mount Enterprise to Abilene: Abortion Must Be Outlawed In All of Our Cities!
By Mark Lee Dickson
CRIT-LARGE - November 6th, 2019
The Continued Texas Fight to Outlaw Abortion
By Preston Tyler
The Henderson News - November 23rd, 2019
Grassroots Effort Gains Area Momentum
By Amber Lollar
Buffalo Gap Round-Up News - January 2020
The Message Is Simple: No Unborn Children Will Be Murdered In Sanctuary Cities
By Mark Lee Dickson
To Be Updated Soon . . .
"Many times, the voices of the people in small town rural America are drowned out by BIG news and BIG towns. If our town becomes a sanctuary city for the unborn, we will give back the voices of its residence. Making a public statement that yes, we value the life of the most valuable of our citizens. Making it known that Mount Enterprise is a group of people that publicly state life begins in the womb. As someone who has visited an abortion clinic in the past and changed my mind. I know how important it is for others to stand in the gap for those thinking that abortion is the only way. If Mount Enterprise will take the stand, showing that not only do we value the unborn baby’s life but value the mother’s life as well, we can prevent many women from having abortions, that will not just take their unborn baby’s life but badly damage their own." - Amy B.
"Don’t we hold these truths to be self-evident? That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are “Life”, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The first of these being “life” and the lives of those unable to make their “choice” to live, are no less important than anyone else’s and Mt Enterprise should recognize that. I am personally against abortion because I believe that life is precious, from the very beginning. It’s sacred and if we could all just learn to value life a little more these days then the world would be that much greater of a place. Why can’t it be that simple?" - Nathan T.
“Abortion Is against God‘s desire for us to enjoy the very life given to us as a blessing from him! Abortion (also known as murder) brings nothing but pain that cannot be undone. So many options are available to those that need help with babies that have nothing to do with killing them.” - Matthew C.
“Because it's murder plain and simple. Today in America we value an animal's life more than we do a baby in the womb.” - John P.
"Life begins at conception." - Denise S.
"God is the Creator of Life. All lives have value. All lives have a purpose. Psalm 139." - Patricia S.
"Proverbs 31:8 says, 'Open your mouth for the speechless, In the cause of all who are appointed to die.' It is our duty to declare and back our words that All Lives Matter! The cold fact is Abortion is Murder!" - Jessica C.
"Because abortion is murder. And all life should be valued and cherished." - Angela P.
"Babies deserve a chance at life and we are not God. We do not have the right to take innocent lives for the sake of selfishness. No matter the circumstances, they should never be killed." - Jenna K.
"Against Gods word. It’s murder." - Tammie P.
"I believe abortion should be outlawed because Mount Enterprise should remain a conservative community. Period. I have two reasons for being personally against abortion. (1) I am personally against abortion because God’s word is against it (Exodus 20:13). (2) I am personally against abortion because with both of my pregnancies, I endured the heated opinions of others that I should abort my babies, that I was ruining my life, that I didn’t need to bring them in to this world. Now, they are 25 and 20 and they are amazing young people!! Every unborn child deserves the right to enter this world and experience all of its splendor and love!" - Michelle M.
“Because its murder and there are people in this world that want kids and can't have them my daughter being one of those people give someone a blessing.” - Patti B.
"My passionate journey against abortion began at 15. I was a pregnant runaway. By 16, I had a baby. I thank God I had a support system in place, which was a wonderful mom who stood by me. I also married the baby’s dad at 18 and spent almost 45 wonderful years with him and raised our family together - 2 children and 2 grandchildren. We homeschooled all the way through 12th grade and my son graduated college with a Bachelor’s. Through the years I have been momma and granny to many along the way. My husband and I founded our family ministry over 30 years ago with the purpose of helping save the down trodden of our society. Salvation means many things your soul most definitely but also a life, whether it be born or unborn they deserve the same amount of love and care. I am pro life and being a resident of Mount Enterprise, Texas, my hope and prayer would be that we could be a Sanctuary City for the unborn. I truly believe that our city is heavily populated with Christian conservatives that are close in believing as I do that all human life is precious. I am against abortion, as I have truly walked in the shoes that many young women happen to fall into. At the early age of 15 was on the streets and pregnant. Many young women probably walk into a free clinic as I did and they are faced with hard-hearted and cruel professionals who think it’s their job to decide the future life of you and your unborn child. It is terrifying at any age faced with that decision. I believe not I or anyone has the right to take a human life in the womb or out of it! The medical community has lost all morality on this subject and it’s time that the people have a say. I thank God that we have alternative solutions other than abortion and I hope to be one of those solutions and offer housing and help for those in trouble in the future my goal and prayers are to help eliminate abortion in my lifetime." - Deborah T.