Austin, Texas is located in Travis, Williamson, and Hays counties.
During Travis County's 2016 presidential election 27.1% voted Republican, 65.8% voted Democrat, and 7.1% voted for other candidates. In Williamson County's 2016 presidential election 50.9% voted Republican, 41.3% voted Democrat, and 7.8% voted for other candidates. In Hays County's 2016 presidential election 49.6% voted Republican, 46% voted Democrat, and 7.1% voted for other candidates.
During the 2018 Republican Party Primary, voters had the opportunity to vote on proposition #7. This proposition gave voters the chance to voice their opinion if they were "In Favor" or "Against" this following statement: " I believe abortion should be abolished in Texas." In Travis County, out of 38,381 votes, 19,361 voted in favor of the idea of abolishing abortion in the state of Texas and 19,020 voted against the idea of abolishing abortion in the state of Texas. In Williamson County, out of 35,384 votes, 21,768 voted in favor of the idea of abolishing abortion in the state of Texas and 13,616 voted against the idea of abolishing abortion in the state of Texas. In Hays County, out of 11,597 votes, 7,157 voted in favor of the idea of abolishing abortion in the state of Texas and 4,440 voted against the idea of abolishing abortion in the state of Texas.
The population of Austin, Texas is 964,254.
On September 10th, 2019 the City Council of Austin voted to allocate $150,000 of taxpayer funds to help fund travel, lodging, child-care, and other support for Austin women who are planning on aborting their unborn child.
In the News
The Austin Chronicle - August 15th, 2019
By Mary Tuma
Fortune - August 21st, 2019
By Erin Corbett
CRIT-LARGE - September 9th, 2019
Texas City Plans to Dodge Texas' Pro-Life Laws
By Jacob McConnell
CRIT-LARGE - September 11th, 2019
Austin Approves Abortion Assistance
By Jacob McConnell
LifeNews.Com - September 11th, 2019
Austin, Texas Becomes the First City to Pay Women to Kill Their Babies in Abortion
By Micaiah Bilger
The Texan - September 12th, 2019
By Daniel Friend
The Center Square - September 16th, 2019
City of Austin Sued Over Using Taxpayer Money to Fund Abortion Access
By Bethany Blankley
Kaiser Health News - September 18th, 2019
As Texas Cracks Down On Abortion, Austin Votes To Help Defray Costs
By Ashley Lopez, KUT
Texas Observer - September 19th, 2019
Some Small Texas Towns Are Declaring Themselves ''Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn'
By Sophie Novack
Washington Post - October 1st, 2019
Antiabortion Law Spreads in East Texas as ‘Sanctuary City for the Unborn’ Movement Expands
By Emily Wax-Thibodeaux
Before the Council: The First Hearing
August 22nd, 2019
The Testimony of Mark Lee Dickson with Right To Life of East Texas before the Austin City Council concerning the proposed amendment to the 2019-2020 City Budget that would fund "Abortion Logistics"
Before the Council: The Second Hearing
August 28th, 2019
The Testimony of Emily with New Wave Feminists before the Austin City Council concerning the proposed amendment to the 2019-2020 City Budget that would fund "Abortion Logistics"
Before the Council: The Second Hearing
August 28th, 2019
The Testimony of Nicole with Texas Values before the Austin City Council concerning the proposed amendment to the 2019-2020 City Budget that would fund "Abortion Logistics"
Before the Council: The Second Hearing
August 28th, 2019
The Testimony of Mary with Texas Values before the Austin City Council concerning the proposed amendment to the 2019-2020 City Budget that would fund "Abortion Logistics"
Before the Council: The Second Hearing
August 28th, 2019
The Testimony of Mark Lee Dickson with Right To Life of East Texas before the Austin City Council concerning the proposed amendment to the 2019-2020 City Budget that would fund "Abortion Logistics"